Wednesday, August 28, 2013

It's been a while...

Hope everyone had a very nice summer.  Here's some pics of the cabin.  No we're not moved in yet.

Here are part of the address numbers on our cabin - no I didn't show them all.  Those nails were soooooo tiny.  I dropped one and luckily it didn't fall through the porch boards to the ground.  I never would have found it then ;)

Here are our steps.  There is a little lizard that lives near them.  I saw him yesterday. See how much of a gap there is between the boards.  Now you know what I meant when I said that I was lucky that the nail didn't fall down through them.   

Here is a look at our floor.  These were just 12" blocks.  Very nice to lay down and a lot lighter in weight than some other flooring options that we looked at. 

Here are some other photos of the floor.

The wheelbarrow needs to go somewhere else unless Hubby decides to sleep in it LOL.