Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Lies You've Been Told...

The Lies You've Been Told...

Exposure to genetically modified foods and companion pesticides has been linked to a number of health risks including infertility, neurological disorders, birth defects and cancer. Yet despite all the evidence, the collusion between industry and our political leadership and various regulatory agencies has created a system in which industry interests win at every turn. Until or unless enough Americans recognize this, and not only demand change, but also actually change their own habits, the system will continue unabated.
The first challenge is to realize that you've been lied to. The entire model of genetically engineered crops as a not only viable but preferable food source is based on a series of lies and misconceptions that have enriched a select few at the expense of everyone else. These myths include:
  • Genetically engineered foods are equivalent to conventional foods.This is simply not true, as no conventional food in the history of mankind has ever been able to splice bacteria, viruses or genetic material from unrelated species into itself. For thousands of years, farmers have selected and saved the best seeds, which has led to improved varieties. But never have they been able to cross a plant with an animal, for example. Nature does not allow this sort of trans-genetic transfer.
    Gene splicing is an imprecise and unpredictable science, and the potential hazards are enormous. The primary motive behind genetically engineered crops is the ability to patent it and claim ownership of it in perpetuity. And the concept of patenting crops and other foods tells you the truth about whether or not they're really equivalent to conventional foods—you cannot get a patent on something that is too similar to something already in existence.
  • Genetically engineered crops were created for an altruistic purpose; to save a starving world from hunger by increasing yield.Even the statistics from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) demonstrate that this is a promise that cannot be fulfilled. Genetically engineered crops do not produce higher yields. In fact, numerous studies have shown that their yield is lower than that of conventional or organic yields. There are literally hundreds of studies in the developing world demonstrating that organic farming, specifically, outproduces chemical farming and genetically engineered crops by a factor of anywhere between 10-100 to 1.
    Genetically engineering food crops is but a tactic to starve the world into submission. And, it guarantees outrageous profits for perpetuity as farmers world-wide must depend on giant transnational corporations in order to eat, and there's nothing altruistic about that.
  • Genetically engineered foods are more nutritious.No patented GE crop has ever made the commercial claim to be more nutritious, so this idea was popularized without any factual support whatsoever. Agricultural scientist are, however, warning that genetically engineered crops are nutritionally inferior to both organics and conventionally-grown crops.

Read the rest of the article here:


  1. Isn't this just unreal. I mean what is the matter with our government allowing GMO. Then the fact that our government will not make it so that they have to label foods clearly that are GMO or have GMO in them! That is such a easy no brainer thing for them to make happen. sighhh :O(

  2. Excellent post. In addition to what Texan says, I recently read that GMO'd foods are not allowed at the White House. What does that tell us?

    The worst perpetuators of the GMO safety myth seems to be NPR. Of course Monsanto supports NPR, so loyalty to their sponsors is to be expected. Unfortunately, NPR is the only news source some folks listen to.


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