Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy T-Day Everyone!

My DH and I celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday since he has to work on Thanksgiving.  Kroger is open so he has to work.  We had ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy.  I even made a pumpkin pie but forgot to do any veggies.  DH said the potatoes are a veggie.  Yes they are but something green would have been nice.  Oh well.  Our oldest cat of course needed some ham.  He doesnt really need ham just what DH said ;)  Since Molly's infected tooth fell out he has been feeling better.  The price the vet charges to clean teeth or extract one is outragious and they would have to knock the poor old thing out to do it which isnt a good thing since he is so old.  He had lost his other front incisor last year so now he doesnt have any.  He is near to 20 years old and still in pretty good health although he cant keep himself as clean as he used to.  We will need to give him his holiday bath.  He doesnt try to get out of the bathtub just sits there and meows pitifully and upsets the rest of the cats so they hide.  They know what's coming! :)

We are supposed to be going out on Thanksgiving with our friends to see a movie.  Will have to see what one since we will have to make it for evening after DH gets home.  Will keep you posted on what we see and how it was.

Eat lots of turkey or tofu for T-Day!

Talk to you later!


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