Sunday, August 8, 2010

Why housewives will save the world

I thought this was really true and although I am not a housewife per se my mom is and this really hit home for me.  Enjoy!

Why housewives will save the world


Once in a while a reader is astonished to learn that I am, quite literally,

nothing more than what I've always claimed to be: an opinionated north Idaho

housewife . I am not a journalist, or a

reporter, or anything loftier than a keeper of the home. I use the

denigrated term "housewife" deliberately because I am proud to be a member

of this elite group.

If you associate housewives with dull women too dumb to do anything but wipe

noses and clean toilets, I'm here to tell you otherwise. I will even make

the extraordinary declaration that it is housewives who will save the world.

Or at least, our nation.

The standard assumption about housewives (besides the obligatory doubts

about our intelligence and educational level) is that our husbands make so

much money that we can "afford" to stay home with the kids. This assumption

always sends us into peals of laughter because it is so seldom true. Let's

face it, the term "thrifty housewife" was coined for a reason.

Housewives spend years learning to be thrifty. We shop at Goodwill, not

Nordstrom. We mend holes and patch jeans. We purchase basic food items and

cook from scratch. Most of us don't do this because we are green and

environmentally conscious. We do it because it's cheap and it keeps us home

with the kids.

Many housewives supplement their husband's income with cottage industries. I

do freelance writing. I know a woman who makes brassiere holsters for

handguns (yes really . this is Idaho, remember). Yet another woman makes

reusable feminine hygiene products. Yet

another woman sells items on eBay.

None of us is sitting around watching soap operas and eating bonbons. We're

too busy making our home welcoming, too involved in looking for additional

ways to earn money, too occupied in finding yet more techniques to trim the

household budget so the bacon stretches further.

We praise our husbands for bringing home this bacon, however modest in size

it may be. It's our job to stretch that bacon so it lasts the whole month.

A housewife takes her marital vows seriously and does whatever it takes to

make her husband feel like a man by giving him respect, dedication, love,

faithfulness, a warm home and happy children. Housewives don't (or

shouldn't) speak disparagingly of their husbands. We praise them. Praised

men are happy men.

And that's why I believe the housewives of America will save this nation.

When the chips are down, the housewives rise up. We work harder, stretch the

dollars further and discover creative ways to do even more things from

scratch. We become cleverer and more resourceful at "making do."

These may seem like such small, trivial things. How will baking our own

bread or making our own laundry detergent save the nation? It may not . but

it could save the family. And if a family is saved, then bit by bit, family

by family, the nation is saved. See the logic?

What I mean is this. On a massive scale, our nation's problems are far

beyond our individual ability to do anything about them. Housewives cannot

stop the insane spending spree our government has embarked on during the

last 50 years. We cannot keep the economy from its free fall.

But we can help ourselves. Inch by inch, foot by foot, we can keep our

family afloat. If our husband loses his job, we tell him he's still manly

and sexy. We give him the confidence to look for work. We tighten an already

tight belt even more. We pick up part-time employment. We write more

columns, make more holsters, sew more feminine hygiene products and clinch

another eBay sale. We stroke our husband's fevered brow and whisper that it

will be OK, we'll weather this together, we'll stumble along doing whatever

it takes to keep our family whole. We don't let the cruel winds of financial

hardship rip our family apart. We are the glue that binds it.

You see, the role of a housewife is so much more than wiping noses and

cleaning toilets. Feminists have looked with contempt at housewives for

decades and have tried to convince our daughters that only lofty careers and

hefty paychecks can fulfill a woman. But housewives know better.

Men work hard at jobs they often dislike to provide for their families. For

a man, it is not his job that grants him identity, fulfillment and meaning;

it is his wife's praise and admiration. The wise housewife honors her man

for his dedication and sacrifice. The smart housewife becomes the kind of

woman her man wants to come home to. This is the glue.

A glued-together family stays together no matter where they are. If they are

evicted from their home because they can't afford the mortgage, then they

rent a cheap single-wide. The housewife will then turn it into a beautiful

haven because she knows it is not furnishings but love that makes a home.

When the hurricane roars during an economic storm, it will be the thrifty

housewife who will bear her family aloft through hard times. Her frugality,

common sense and familial glue will keep the boat afloat until it lands on a

more fruitful shore. As the waves settle, she will continue to bind, weave

and mesh her family into a seamless harmonious whole. In return, she is

blessed a thousandfold for her actions.

On the surface, it may not seem like wiping noses and cleaning toilets can

have any significant impact on saving our nation. After all, these acts are

not spectacular achievements like winning a court case, negotiating a

contract or curing someone of cancer. But the foundation of a nation is a

solid family unit. It is the humble, collective efforts of housewives that

build those solid, happy families. Nation upon nation is built on this

foundation. Without housewives, such a foundation would not - could not -


Don't thank us. We're just doing our job. But please, remember to put the

toilet seat down.

Bill and Tina Kroshl

Talk to ya later!


1 comment:

  1. Awesome Post, Denise..I have been home with my kids when they we're young, then I worked part time, then full time when they were about 'cooked, lol. In all the time I worked outside the home, my work inside the home never decreased, I was just workin two jobs! Its not easy either way..thanks for posting that!
    PS I can't believe that teapot is sold out..maybe they will get more??



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